© Creditangabe Foto
When: 24 - 26 November 2023
Where: The conference will take place in different venues, all located in walking distance in Hanovers Nordstadt (Hafven, Keller III, Rampe, Time Tools, Weltspiele, KNHO, Deutsches Zentrum für Musiktechnik)
What: With an “hands on” attitude we will provide workshops, talks, exhibitions, visual art, and concerts handling questions about music-making and everything related to it. We put the focus on technical solutions, new tools, sharing knowledge, Inspiration, fun, togetherness and of course music.
Why: Since we are deeply rooted in the DIY culture ourselfs, we want to create a space where it's not about mastering something perfectly, but having fun with the process and trying out new things. Our focus lies on people who love what they do with an urge to create, no matter how well attended their shows are, no matter how many clicks their tracks have.
To us DIY means more than just "do it yourself", it's part of a holistic mind-set. Its about learning, leave perfection out of sight from time to time, sharing skills and knowledge, not to rely on external help but to join forces with others and it means to be in solidarity with all who dont share the same privileges.
More Info: http://trial-error.net/